Keep Your Website Functioning

Let the experts do the work for you

CS WebcCare v2
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Why do you need a website maintenance package?

Why do you need a website maintenance package?
A website needs to be kept up-to-date, backed up, secure and free of bugs. We do this day-in day-out and know the importance of this for a business that relies on their website for new leads or sales. We call this C.S. WebCare.

Website performance is a key factor in whether someone who lands on your website converts. We also make sure that no one is dropping off because of a lack of site speed or a confusing user journey.

Bad UI/UX, a slow website, broken pages or security breaches can be extremely costly to your business, and for a such a relatively low monthly cost, it would be wise to join any one of our Website Maintenance tiers.

For any company with an online presence, you NEED to budget for a maintenance on your website. So that you can focus on running your business, let Corfu Systems look after the smooth running of your site.


What is involved in

CS WebcCare v2

Our process is straightforward, efficient, and delivers excellent outcomes for you and your company or organisation.

WordPress & Plugin Updates

Keeping your website updating to all of the latest versions of both WordPress and the individual plugins, plays a vital role in making sure your website stays fully functioning and secure. These updates often come out multiple times a month and we can stay on top of it for you.

Additional Support & Training

There are always tasks that need doing on your website, whether it's the previously mentioned updates, or just small changes across the site. Our maintenance packages prioritise your work above anyone else, give you a discount and the higher tiers even give you free hours!

Website Security

Keeping your website secure is vital whether you've got people's personal details in your website database or simply just to keep your website free from hackers. A website that has gone down for even a few hours could be more costly than any of our monthly packages!

Daily or Weekly Backups

Depending on your maintenance package, we will take varying frequencies of backups of your site. This is vital for if anything goes wrong and your website gets hacked or new updates break your website. With a backup always at hand, we can restore the site in just a few clicks.

Fast & Secure Hosting

Hosting is not included in our maintenance packages, to allow our clients who are on alternative hosting to still utilise our other maintenance services. However, we highly recommend using our hosting because we know how fast, secure and reliable it is. It also give us full access to your website files. Our hosting solutions start from as little as £60 per year! Find out more here.

Discounted Hourly Rate

Once you're with us, we want to thank you by offering a reduced hourly rate for any ADDITIONAL work you may need. This includes any website work outside of the maintenance packages from new pages, website fixes and even a full website redesign. The only thing it won't include is any ongoing marketing, as is this is a separate service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our monthly maintenance package includes regular website backups, security scans and updates, software updates, plugin updates, and uptime monitoring to ensure your website stays secure and up-to-date.

You can. But think about the cost of the lost leads of sales if your website is down or and people can't use the site at all. You also need to consider less obvious things, like if there are small bugs preventing people from filling in forms or purchasing products, these could go unnoticed for months. 

Also, if your website were to get hacked and you lost everything or you made a detrimental mistake when editing the site yourself, we can take daily backups to bring everything back to life.

Finally, it's simply piece of mind for you. For a small fee, we can sort your out your website, and make sure that it continues to bring in the maximum amount of business possible, whilst you deal with what you do best, ensuring that you convert the leads that we bring. If your website is worth AT LEAST a few hundred quid a month in new or recurring business, it's a no brainer. 

We perform website updates and backups regularly, typically on daily or weekly basis, depending on your which package you are on.

Yes, you will have access to a dedicated support team that is available to help you with any issues you may encounter with your website between 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday (not including bank holidays).

Of course! We have many clients on one of our packages that already had existing hosting. Most of them move over to us when their current contract finishes, just so everything is in one place, but feel free to stay where you are and let us simply make sure everything is functioning.

We use the latest security measures and best practices to ensure your website is secure, including SSL certificates, firewalls, malware scanning, and regular security audits.

Yes, we offer additional services such as website design, development, and customisation to help you add new features and functionality to your website as needed. If you're on one of our maintenance packages, you'll get a discounted rate too!


Let us take care of your website

If you need more information on any of our services please get in touch