Stunning Websites

For all types of business


Why is Corfu Web Design the right choice?

Get the most out of your digital presence with our high-quality web design.
We focus on converting viewers into customers for you and your business.

Bespoke Web Design

Designed For You

We build everything from scratch, we do not use templates or copies.  Purely bespoke designs just for you.  Whether you need a stadard website, Reservation System, eCommerce website or anything else, we can build it!

We are here to create beautiful websites for your business


Search Engine Ready

Optimised to get found in Google

We use the best practices in on-page, off-page and technical SEO so your site is built for Google Search.  An important factor for Google is responsive design

All our sites are built to operate on all devices

Bangkok. Thailand. JAN 24,2020 :A man is typing on Google search engine from a laptop. Google is the biggest Internet search engine in the world.

Personal Approach

A Personal Service

We work closely with you at every step of the project.  From an initial meeting, design stage and finished website we communicate with you.  We are always availble to answer your questions during the process.

We value our relationships with our clients

Engineers Meeting in Technology Research Laboratory: Engineers, Scientists and Developers Gathered Around Illuminated Conference Table, Talking and Finding Solution, Inspecting and Analysing Industrial Engine Design.

Fair Pricing

Great Web Design At A Fair Price

With a website you really do get what you pay for.  We've aligned ourselves in the market so we can provide the very best website designs and functionality, without breaking the bank.

Your website is an investment in your business

SEO - Search Engine Optimisation screen shot


How our websites are designed & developed.

Our process is straightforward, efficient, and delivers excellent outcomes for you and your business


The initial steps in the process - gathering your existing content together, looking at your goals, analysing your target audience, reviewing your branding, and beginning our research.  You can point us in your desired direction or let us completely design for you.


We will create a number of designs for your new website based on the findings from the discovery phase.  We will work alongside you to develop your website's look and feel so that the voice and tone of the design represents the value of your business.


Now it's time to make the ideas come to life!  Our web design and development will work to integrate all of the concepts into a website so we can begin seeing how the site will operate in a browser.  You can take an active role in this or sit back and let us do the work.


From the largest PC display all the way down to the smallest mobile phone, we'll make sure the UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) work smoothly on every size device.  Your conversion and sales rate will soar as a result of this.


We'll schedule a time to take your new website live, launch any necessary marketing initiatives, and then finalise the website!  Once launched, you can subscribe to one of our Maintenance Packages to make sure your website keeps that fresh feeling.


You can now be pleased with your website!  As the leads and/or sales start to flow in, you'll see growth that you never believed was possible.  By utilising our SEO, Social Media Management, and Google Ads, we can also boost this growth even further!

On-Line Reservation Systems

There are several key benefits of investing in a reservation system.  First and foremost, it saves your business time.  Our systems automate the process of booking appointments, meaning you can spend less time on the phone or manually inputting data into a spreadsheet.
Since most of the process is automated, you also massively reduce the risk of human error, saving you time and money.

eCommerce Web Design

Using WordPress, alongside the WooCommerce platform, we can create eCommerce sites.  From small merchant sites to large multi-option online shops with automated stock management and anything in between!  Selling online has never been easier, but getting all of the moving parts absolutely spot-on is a lot more difficult than it first seems.  Let us build it right for you!


A huge leap for your brand

As web designers, developers and SEO specialists we deliver the best web design for your company or organisation.  Wheather it's locally on Corfu, Greece or across Europe.

Office meeting.
Web design concept


Get with the times

Technology moves fast and so does design. Your website needs to keep up with the latest digital fashion in order to show your company in the best light possible.  Don't get left behind by your competition; make sure your website is looking fresh.


No device left behind

Optimising your website for every single size device is vital.  Our website designs are fully optimised for mobile and work on every modern browser.  Some of our clients have up to 80% of their users on mobile, so we understand the importance of a website that works no matter where it is being viewed.

Man with tablet computer booking room in hotel online at home


Beautifully designed. Surprisingly affordable

Web design can be expensive and it can also be cheap!  But you really do get what you pay for.  Our clients are often surprised with how affordable we are when they see what they get for their investment!  An incredible, modern design comes as standard, with extra functionality ready to be implemented if needed. (Almost) anything is possible.

Some of the features & funtionality that can bring to your website

Anything is possible with Corfu Web Design

With a whole range of functionality at our fingertips, whatever you need your website to do, we can achieve.  From simple to complex, here are just a few examples of the value we can bring to your business' website.

Increase eCommerce Conversion

We use eCommerce plugins to increase conversion rates on your website.  These give features such as inventory management, upselling connected products and adding quality images.

Captivating Animated Effects

We use animations to make the design more engaging and interactive. This helps guide the user's attention to important elements and make the website stand out.  Our animations are crafted to enhance the user experience.

Bespoke Functionality

We use WordPress and specialist plugins to create almost unlimited functionality for your website.  With the addition of our own custom code we can create a website tailored to your specific needs.


We can implement calculators that can range from simple to more complex calculators for example determining savings or ROI. We integrate these seamlessly into the website design.

API Integration

API allows different systems to communicate with each other so we add features and capabilities from other services directly into your website. We can integrate API's from a wide range of sources.

Corfu Page Builder

We use our Corfu Builder, a page builder to create custom designs. We then easily arrange elements like text, images, videos, forms, pricing tables, and sliders, to create appealing and responsive web pages.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on your brief!  For something simple with just a few pages, prices start from just  €700.  But there is no limit to the how high this can go.  Put simply, the bigger the website and the more functionality you need, the more expensive your investment will be.

The time it takes to design a website can vary depending on the complexity of the project.  On average, a simple website can take around 4-6 weeks, while a more complex website can take several months.

The most important ongoing cost is your domain & hosting.  The cost of your domain will vary depending on its popularity.  We can help you purchase a domain if you need us to. You'll need to host your website as well so users can visit and use your website. Our hosting starts from €120 per year. You can find out more about our hosting options here.

We offer various website maintenance packages to keep your website functioning at its full potential.  These start from €15 per month but are vital to make sure your website is up-to-date, secure and operational.

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation, is what you'll need in order to get found in Google. Learn more about our SEO here.

With web design, you get what you pay for. There is a lot that goes in to building a website, and not everything is obvious from the front-end. Cheaper agencies will cut corners by giving you a generic templated website that looks like hundreds of others but with your branding, or by missing out vital moving or not optimising your website on all devices.

Our designers have many years experience to be able to build the most perfect & beautiful designs at whatever price range your website sites at.

Your website is such a vital part of your sales funnel, that not spending enough on your website can actually cost you more money in lost sales in the long run.

Yes, we can integrate your website with third-party services such as payment gateways, social media platforms, and other API's to enhance the functionality of your website.


Are you ready for your new website?

If you need more information on any of our services please get in touch

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